About Us

Kate & Lainey


We are artists (and wives!) based near Dundee, Scotland.

Infinite Sky began in 2016 when a friend asked us to paint a mural in a local yoga studio. We loved the excitement and satisfaction of transforming a space and have been painting murals ever since.

We’ve completed murals in care homes, cafes, restaurants, yoga studios, homes, retreats, birthing rooms and even Portobello Beach! We also painted a giant penguin and lighthouse for Wild in Art Charity Sculpture Trails.

Our tagline is ‘murals that matter’ as we are passionate about the power of community art and offering opportunities for connection, learning, integration and fun through shared creative experiences.

Please get in touch if you would like to commission a mural or community  project.

What else do we do?

Lainey is from Tipperary in Ireland and has a graphic design degree. She painted her first mural when she was only 8! Lainey offers a range of design services and also creates illustrations and designs as HappyEmo

Kate is from the Highlands and has a degree in Jewellery Design. She loves to create in many forms including painting, photography, poetry and song. Kate’s photographs: Girl of Nikolai

We are also both project managers at ScrapAntics; a vibrant non-profit organisation with a focus on Education, Recycling, Community and Arts.

ScrapAntics run Dundee’s only ScrapStore as well as a variety of other activities, both education and social. We have diverted almost 100 tonnes of waste back into the community as resources for creative and play-based projects.

Website: ScrapAntics

Community projects ︎

Projects ︎

infiniteskymurals@gmail.com  |  +447450 418 031          ︎         ︎     ︎     ︎     ︎