Pockets of Imagination & Creativity
This project was a continuation of our work with ScrapAntics’ Family Club, and included 8 local New Scot and Scottish families.
Each participant decorated a pocket and filled it with small art pieces they made over the course of our 5 sessions together, including sculpture, print making and story books.
The finished piece is a moving exhibition, named by the famlies themselves, inspired by nature and animals and created almost entirely from recycled materials!
We had such a fun time with this project! A big thanks to Neil (Community Engagement Worker) and to all the amazing families for taking part.
This project is part funded by the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, and the Scottish Government.
“I liked doing the pockets, because you can make your own little scene.” - Poppy
“Art is my favourite thing in the world, I want to be an artist when I grow up.” - Aziz

Behind the scenes
Infinite Sky & Debz of How It Felt

Next project ︎